HOF QUALIFIER 2.05 by Rob Wilson & Neil Tweedy
The F1GP HoF Qualifier is a program that was designed for keeping track of
your qualifying lap-times for the Amiga F1GP Hall of Fame. It is also the
recommended method for submitting times to the HoF, because it prevents Hall
of Fame members from making mistakes in the format of submitted records.
Ensuring that the submissions are as they are required to be makes the
preparation of the HoF each month becomes much easier.
SPLITTIME 1.7 by Rene Smit
SplitTime is a utility that displays split-times at every quarter of a track
while you drive. Not only are the current split-times displayed, but also
the best split-times for comparison - just like in real F1. The only
difference is that this utility uses 3 splits (at exactly 25%, 50% and 75%)
rather than F1's 2 splits.
The purpose of SplitTime is to give you an indication of how good your
current lap is going to be, so you don't have to drive the whole lap before
finding out that you are off the pace. Normally, you would have your own
physical markers on the track at which you would look at the timer to see
how fast you are. But with SplitTime you can forget those and use these very
accurate splittimes instead.
Besides showing (best) splittimes it also keeps track of the best split
differences, calculated by looking at the time between two consecutive
splittimes. The four best differences are always remembered, and from these
a virtual lap is calculated - allowing you to see what time you could have
driven if you had only done a perfect lap.
HOFPOINTS 3.7 by Michal Janak
HoFPoints is a utility specially written for competitors of the Amiga F1GP
Hall of Fame that has two main purposes:
Firstly, by setting yourself an overall points target, HoFPoints will tell
you by how much you must improve at each of the 16 circuits to achieve this.
Secondly, by entering your lap records as you set them, HoFPoints will
calculate how many points they will earn you, and provide you with a
provisional score for the next HoF edition.
HOF-ANALYZER v1.4 (by Christophe Macours)
This program serves a similar purpose to HoFPoints, which is hardly
surprising considering it was widely inspired by Michal Janak's creation.
Using HoF-Analyzer, you will be able to view the classifications of each
circuit, edit and save your times. You can also set a position to reach
and HoF-Analyzer will show you the required performance.
AGPPERF 0.5i by Grant Reeve
AGPPerf allows you to record the telemetary of your car as you race in F1GP.
The information gathered by this utility includes set-up details, horse
power, and more importantly variables as speed, revs, gears, car position on
the track, and car control input (acceleration, braking, and steering). The
upshot of all this is that you can have a comprehensive collection of data
for any particular lap, which can then be graphically analysed by...
GPDISPLAY 0.02 by Grant Reeve
GPDisplay is the utility required to display perf files saved from AGPPerf.
By displaying up to 4 perf files at a time, it can allow you to compare
several laps set with different set-ups to see just which one is best.
Alternatively, it can be used to compare the perf file of your best lap with
that of a faster lap to see where time can be saved. Perf files for the top
Hall of Fame times can be found in the Amiga F1GP PerfBase.